The Competition

Viking Iron Events is thrilled to present Fenrir's Mayhem, a single day competition that will push athletes to their limits on October 26, 2024. This event is not for the faint of heart; it was designed to challenge the mind and body, pushing participants to test their strength, agility, and vigor in an intense and thrilling competition.

Fenrir's Mayhem is the ultimate test of fitness, pushing athletes to the next level and beyond. Whether you train at a box or in your garage, this competition will push your anabolic and lactic thresholds to their limits. Participants will face a series of demanding workouts, combining elements of strength, endurance, and strategy to emerge victorious. Only the toughest competitors will conquer the challenges and rise above the rest.

Limited spots are available for this highly anticipated event, so don't wait too long to register. Fenrir's Mayhem promises an unforgettable experience where athletes will need true grit, unwavering strength, and the ability to think strategically under pressure. It's time to unleash your inner warrior and prove yourself in the ultimate test of physical and mental fortitude.

Date: 26 October,2024
Time: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm
Location: Viking Iron Events, Iron Legion Strength + Combat, Downtown Ocala

  • 3 Workouts + 3 Floaters
  • All divisions are teams of 2
  • Teens Sx, Scaled, Masters Sx, Grand Masters divisions will be using the same weights/movements
  • Teens Rx, Rx, Masters Rx divisions will be using the same weights/movements
  •  Warm-up area provided
  •  This is an indoor/outdoor event; it is highly recommended athletes bring tents and/or canopies to provide shade for in-between heats
  • Parking available at the Downtown Ocala Parking Garage
  • Free for Spectators
  • Farmer's Market + large art festival going on all Saturday
  • Parking available at the Downtown Ocala Parking Garage


Saturday October 26:

8:00-8:30 Athlete Check In Opens

8:30-9:00 Event Briefing + Questions

9:00am-4:00pm Competition Heats

4:30pm Podiums

Divisions & Movements

**for workout weights/movements Sx will be used for Teens Sx, Scaled, Masters Sx, + Grand Masters. Rx will be used for Teens Rx, Rx, and Masters Rx.


WOD 1:

Time Cap: 10 minutes

50M Sprint together

50m sled push down Rx 200/155 Sx 155/110 (1 Teammate must be on sled)

50m sled reverse drag Rx 200/155 Sx 155/110 (1 Teammate must be on sled)

15 Ground 2 Over Shoulder sandbag Rx 150/75 Sx 75/35  (Distribute reps anyway)

50M down and 50M back SandBag bearhug carry Rx 150/75 Sx 75/35 (Distribute anyway)  

20 bearhug bag squats Rx 150/75 Sx 75/35 Distribute anyway

50M Sprint to finish (Each - you go I go)


WOD 2:

Clean and Jerk Ladder







Max with time remaining







Max with time remaining

*Split times noted per lift. Split time will be used if the athlete does not complete the ladder. Split times will also be used for the last completed max lift.

**The team must complete the 5 barbell ladder before moving to max lift attempts. Each member of the team must successfully complete - at a minimum, 2 of the 5 ladder lifts. (Example A: Team Member A does Lift 1, and 2, Team Member B does Lift 3, 4, 5.)

***Only two attempts allowed per ladder lift. Each attempt will be inside of a 30 second window.


WOD 3:

*WOD 3 has two options. Teams will choose Option A or B at Registration on the day of the event. 

WOD 3:


Time Cap: 10 minutes

10 Squat Snatches (95/65)

20/15 Ring Dips 

3 Rope Climbs

20 Kettlebell single arm overhead squats (53/35)

3 Rope Climbs

20 Box Jump overs (24”/20”)

3 Rope Climbs 

150’ Bear Crawls

25 T2Bs

150’ Bear Crawls

*Teammates must remain behind line until tagged. Tagout definition - athlete leaving field tags athlete entering field and both owe one synchronized burpee.


Scaled OPTION B:

Time Cap: 10 minutes

10 Squat Snatches Sx (95/65)

40/30 push ups

18 rope up downs

20 Kettlebell single arm overhead squats (53/35)

18 rope up downs

20 Box Jump overs (24”/20”)

18 rope up downs

150’ Bear Crawls

60 Sit ups

150’ Bear Crawls

*Teammates must remain behind line until tagged. Tagout definition - athlete leaving field tags athlete entering field and both owe one synchronized burpee.


Rx Option A:

Time Cap: 10 minutes

10 Squat Snatches Rx (135/95)

25/20 Ring Dips 

3 Rope Climbs

20 Kettlebell single arm overhead squats (70/53) 

3 Rope Climbs

20 Box Jump overs (30”/24”) 

3 Rope Climbs 

150’  Bear Crawls

30 T2Bs 

150’ Bear Crawls

*Teammates must remain behind line until tagged. Tagout definition - athlete leaving field tags athlete entering field and both owe one synchronized burpee.


RxOption B:

Time Cap: 10 minutes

10 Squat Snatches Rx (135/95) 

5/3 L-Sit to Ring hspu

3 Rope Climbs

5 Kettlebell pistols Rx (70/53) 

3 Rope Climbs 

20 Box jump overs Rx (30”/24”) 

3 Rope Climbs 

150’ HSW

5 T2B to BMU

150’ HSW or 30M Back Flips or Back Handspring or Back Round Offs or Back Tucks

*Teammates must remain behind line until tagged. Tagout definition - athlete leaving field tags athlete entering field and both owe one synchronized burpee.



Lift Heavy:

Chaos Plex


5 PowerCleans, 5 Front Squats, 5 Push Press, 5 Back Squats, 5 Behind the Neck Jerks, 5 Power Cleans

155/115 Rx

135/95 Sx

AFAP Accumulated Time.

Go Fast:

21 Calorie Row, 15 Calorie Bike, 9 Calorie Ski

AFAP accumulated time.

Take Risks:

Toes to Bar x Chest to Bar x Bar Muscle Up

Rx: Unbroken Reps in order of Each


Toes to Bar x Pull Ups x Chest to Bar

Sx: Unbroken Reps in order of Each


Accumulated reps for final score.


Nearest Hotel:

Hilton Garden Inn - Downtown Ocala

Nearby Restaurants:

Brick & Iron Cafe

Ocala Downtown Diner

Infinite Brewing

Big Hammock Brewery + Bites

Grandpa Joe's Candy Shop

Cantina Mexican Grill

Bank Street Patio Bar


Local Things:

First Friday Artwalk - Downtown Ocala

Tuscawilla Park

Silver Springs State Park


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