The Competition

This competition was designed to challenge your mind and body.  Test your strength, agility, and vigor in an event that will take your fitness to the next level. Whether you train at a box or in your garage, this competition will test your anabolic and lactic tresholds.  Don't wait too long to register as spots will be limited. 

Date: 12 October,2024
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: CrossFit 239 - 3789 Fowler St Fort Myers , Fl 33901

  •  Warm-up area provided
  •  This is an indoor/outdoor event; it is highly recommended athletes bring tents and/or canopies to provide shade for in-between heats
  • Free for Spectators
  • Apparal and food vendors

Divisions & Movements

(all standards are working weight:)



First Name
Last Name