The Competition


  • Check in will be at Omnia Fitness Collective Friday Feb. 4 from 4-6pm and also Saturday Feb. 3 from 7:30am-8:15am. When you check in, you'll be able to sign up for your floater. Please bring a valid ID.
  • Please fill out this Google Form before check in (link to come soon)
  • Get a jump start, and fill out the waiver online here:
  • Check out our leaderboard HERE!


Date: 05 February,2022
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Omnia Fitness Collective - 901 S Jason St # C, Denver, CO 80223

Read below for workout descriptions.

View Images HERE for:






WOD 1 - RX

WOD 2 - RX

WOD 3 - RX 


  • Free for Spectators
  • Apparal and food vendors
  • Due to COVID regulations, we kindly ask that all spectators please wear a mask.

Gym will open at 7am and the first workout will take place at 8:40am. There are 3 workouts and 1 floater. When the team checks in, they can sign up for their floater time then. 

Check our facebook and instagram for WOD announcements


Divisions & Movements

Rx/Open with a Masters Team Fair Advantage


Clean and Snatch weights listed above are for multiple reps in a WOD.  Expect weights to increase if these lifts are included in a ladder.

Open: Rx:

Deadlift: 185#

Back Squat: 155#

Front Squat: 75#

Overhead Squat: 75#

Power Clean: 95# 

Squat Clean: 95#

Power Snatch: 75#

Squat Snatch: 75#

Thruster: 75#

Bench Press: 85#

DB Snatch: 35#

KB Snatch: 35#

KB Swing: 35#

Wall ball: 14# to 9ft target

Double Unders: No

Single Unders: Yes

Pull-ups: Yes

C2B Pull Ups: No

Toes to Bar: Yes

Ring Dips: No

Ring Push Ups: Yes

Kipping Handstand Push-ups: Yes

Deficit HSPU:  No

Ring Muscle-ups: No

Bar Muscle-ups:  No

Rowing: Yes

Assault Bike:  Yes

GHD:  Yes

Box Jump: 20"

Handstand Walk: No

Pistols: No

Rope Climb: Yes

Potential Odd Objects: Sandbags, Atlas Stones, Slam Balls


Deadlift: 205#

Back squat: 175#

Front squat: 135#

Overhead squat: 105#

Power clean: 135#

Squat clean: 135#

Power snatch: 105#

Squat snatch: 105#

Thruster: 105#

Bench Press: 115#

DB Snatch: 35#

KB snatch: 44#

KB swing: 55#

Wall Ball: 14# to 10ft target

Double Unders: Yes

Single Unders: Yes

Pull Ups: Yes

C2B Pull-ups: Yes

Toes to Bar: Yes

Ring Dips: Yes

Ring Push Ups: Yes

Kipping Handstand Push-ups: Yes

Strict HSPU:  Yes

Deficit HSPU:  Yes

Ring Muscle-Ups: Yes

Bar Muscle-Ups: Yes

Rowing: Yes

Assault Bike:  Yes

GHD:  Yes

Box Jump: 24"

Handstand Walk: Yes

Pistols: Yes

Rope Climb: Legless

Potential Odd Objects: Sandbags, Atlas Stones, Slam Balls



WOD 1: Ladder

1 clean + 2 S2OH + 1 Front Squat

Strength Ladder (Barbell Complex):

Same Complex for both Open and Rx:


At the beginning of the day ten barbells will be loaded, and teams have 1 minute (10 seconds of transition time between 1 minute rounds) for both partners to attempt & complete the following Barbell Complex from the ground AND without releasing the bar between lifts:

1 Clean (power or squat is allowed) + 2 Shoulder to Overhead (press, push press, push jerk, split jerk all allowed) + 1 Front Squat


Open Ladder weights: 95#, 105#, 115#, 125#, 135#, 145#, 155#, 165#, 175#, 185#

Rx Ladder starts at 105#, 115#, 125#, 135#, 145#, 155#, 165#, 175#, 185#, 195#


Each athlete can attempt to complete the Barbell Complex however many times as they wish in each 1 minute round.  The entire Complex has to be completed in order to proceed in the Ladder (though credit will still be given for completing at least 1 of the lifts in the Complex, see scoring information below).  If one athlete fails, but their partner completes the Complex, that partner can still move forward in the Ladder.


Scoring is as follows:

For example, Partner 1 successfully completes the Barbell Complex at 135#, their score is 135.4.  Partner 2, completes the Clean and 1 Shoulder to Overhead, but fails the remaining 2 lifts in the Complex, their score is 135.2.  Therefore, the team score is 270.6.


Masters Coefficient: Take the same example, but if they are a masters team (35+) we will add 5lb to their score. So, their total would be 275.6


This will be used as a tiebreaker if needed


WOD 2: 12 min AMRAP:


Partners switch every other round

5 Pull-ups 

5 DL (155#)

10 CALS Assault bike




Partners switch every other round

3 Bar MU 

5 DL (205#)

10 CALS Assault bike


WOD #2 (12 min AMRAP, you go, I go):


Once each partner finishes a round, they must stay by the bike and “tag off” with their partner before moving back to the Pull-up Bar.


Partners must switch each round, one person cannot start the new round until their partner has completed a full round. One person is working at a time. While Partner A is completing a round, Partner B is resting.


Scoring is as follows:

Total Reps, Example: Open Team completes 6 rounds + 4 pull ups, their score is 124, RX Team completes 6 rounds + 2 Bar Muscle Ups, their score is 110


Master Coefficient: (35+) Teams score will have an additional 5 reps added to their final score. So, if we use the same example as above Open Team completes 6 rounds + 4 pull ups, their score is 129 (124+5), RX Team completes 6 rounds + 2 Bar Muscle Ups, their score is 115 (110+5)



WOD 3 Description:  Teams have 10 minutes to complete the following:


  1.  1 Rope Climb (Legless/Standard)

            15 Synchro Burpees to plate (jump to 35# plate)

             1 RC

            15 Synchro 1DB (per athlete)  lateral box step-overs (meet at the top) 20” (50#/35#)

             1 RC

            15 Synchro Burpees to plate

             1 RC

            15 Synchro 1DB (per athlete)  lateral box step-overs (meet at the top) 20” (50#/35#)

             1 RC


Partners can split up the rope climbs however they prefer (for example, one partner can do all of them).  For the synchro burpees, athletes must jump on top of the plate with both feet (but may step down).  Partners must meet on top of the plate at the same time for the rep to count. 

For the synchro burpees, if one athlete lands before the other partner, she must wait on top of her plate until her partner lands on top of her plate.  For the synchro lateral step-overs, much like the synchro burpees, partners must meet on top of the box for the rep to count.  Each athlete will have their own dumbbell and can hold it however they like.  

For the standard rope climbs, feet can be used on the way up and the way down. For legless, no feet can be used on the way up, but on the descent, feet can be used


  1.  At minute 10, ALL teams will have a 1 minute rest (If your team finishes before the 10 minute cut-off, you will rest until minute 11 and start Part B with everyone else).  Then from minutes 11-13, all teams will perform AMRAP T2B in 2 minutes (one partner working at a time). For the T2B, the feet must hit the pull up bar before the buzzer for the rep to count.


Scoring:  Teams will receive 2 scores for this WOD.  Part A:  Score will either be the time to complete the Chipper, OR 10 minutes plus the number of uncompleted reps.  For example, for a team that does not finish 15 DB lateral step-overs and 1 rope climb, their time will be 10:16 (16 reps left over).  Part B:  total number of T2B


Masters Coefficient: For Part A Masters teams will get 5 seconds taken off their score. For Part B, Masters teams will get 3 Toes-to-bar added to their score. 




4 minutes)- Sandbag hold (150#/100#), while other athlete does 

Open: reverse alternating lunges (2:1) 

Rx: alternating pistol (1:1) (reps).  


Floater WOD Description:



AMRAP 4 minutes (work can be split however between partners)

Partner A holds 100# sandbag while Partner B completes as many reps as possible of reverse alternating bodyweight lunges (2:1).  The partner holding the sandbag must hold it at the torso in a “bear hug.” Partners may switch off however many times they prefer.  When switching off between movements, the sandbag must be picked up from the ground, not handed off between partners.  The partner performing lunges must wait to start working until the partner holding the sandbag has picked it up and is standing with hips fully extended.  


Score:  Total number of lunges performed in 4 minutes.  Masters coefficient:  +5 reps



AMRAP 4 minutes (work can be split however between partners)

Partner A holds 150# sandbag while Partner B completes as many reps as possible of alternating pistols (1:1).   The partner holding the sandbag must hold it at the torso in a “bear hug.”  Partners may switch off however many times they prefer.  When switching off between movements, the sandbag must be picked up from the ground, not handed off between partners.  The partner performing pistols must wait to start working until the partner holding the sandbag has picked it up and is standing with hips fully extended.  


Score:  Total number of pistols performed in 4 minutes.  Masters coefficient:  +5 reps



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